Most youth have difficult times in their lives. Many of these challenges in life help them build skills and supports needed to handle the problems they will face as they grow up and become adults. However, if a youth struggles with emotions or behaviors that regularly cause them problems at home or school, the youth and/or their family may decide they need extra help. That’s where Lookout Mountain Care Management Entity (LM CME) enters the picture.

If a young person is interested in how LM CME can help them or a friend, they can talk their parents, caregiver, or a trusted adult (counselor, teacher, coach, minister, probation officer, caseworker, or others) about the program and if a referral could benefit them.

Young adults, 18 and over, may chose to refer themselves to the program, ask a support (counselor, minister, probration officer, etc.) to assist them in making a referral, or contact one of our System of Care Coordinators to learn more about LM CME.